Product toegevoegd aan winkelwagen
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Naam | Beschrijving | Lifetime |
CART | The association with your shopping cart. | 1 Jaar |
CATEGORY_INFO | Allows pages to be displayed more quickly. | 1 Jaar |
COMPARE | The items that you have in the Compare Products list. | 1 Jaar |
CUSTOMER | An encrypted version of your customer id. | 1 Jaar |
CUSTOMER_AUTH | An indicator if you are signed into the store. | 1 Jaar |
CUSTOMER_INFO | An encrypted version of the customer group you belong to. | 1 Jaar |
Naam | Beschrijving | Lifetime |
CUSTOMER_SEGMENT_IDS | Stores your Customer Segment ID | 1 Jaar |
EXTERNAL_NO_CACHE | A flag that, indicates whether caching is on or off. | 1 Jaar |
FRONTEND | Your session ID on the server. | 1 Jaar |
GUEST-VIEW | Allows guests to edit their orders. | 1 Jaar |
LAST_CATEGORY | The last category you visited. | 1 Jaar |
LAST_PRODUCT | The last product you looked at. | 1 Jaar |
NEWMESSAGE | Indicates whether a new message has been received. | 1 Jaar |
NO_CACHE | Indicates whether it is allowed to use cache. | 1 Jaar |
PERSISTENT_SHOPPING_CART | A link to information about your cart and viewing history if you have asked the site. | 1 Jaar |
Google Consent